Company Overview
AIMS (Animal Identification and Marking Systems, Inc.) pioneered the development of a comprehensive tattoo identification system for research animals. In the mid 1970’s, Dr. Harold Yacowitz determined that a better method was needed for the permanent identification of mice and rats. AIMS was founded in 1979 by Dr. Harold and Ann Yacowitz to develop procedures for rodent tail tattooing. Working with researchers at NIH and several major pharmaceutical companies, AIMS develop specialized tattoo equipment, proprietary tattoo pigments, and tattooing techniques that were safe and effective in mice and rats. After many years of research, the AIMS IIIA tattoo system for rodent tail tattooing was manufactured and sold to research facilities. Today, the art of lab animal tattoo identification has been refined to a science by AIMS. Tattoo identification procedures have been developed for all lab animals. AIMS currently manufactures three unique tattoo systems to tattoo identify neonates (NEO-9), mice & rats (ATS-3), and large lab animals (ATS-3L).
AIMS tattoo identification procedures are extensively used by animal facilities and biomedical researchers throughout the world. AIMS is dedicated to producing the highest quality lab animal tattooing products. In addition, AIMS continues to research the development of new technologies to advance the humane tattoo identification of lab animals.
Customer Base
The World Identifies with AIMS: Customers that work with laboratory animals require methods for the identification of research animals. Facilities that use the AIMS tattoo identification process include: Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies, National Institutes of Health, Military Research Facilities, Veterans Administration Hospitals, Children Hospitals, USDA, FDA, CDC, University Laboratories, University Animal Facilities, Contract Laboratories, Toxicology Facilities. These facilities are located in various parts of the world including the United States, Canada, Japan, England, France, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, Israel, India, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Mauritius, Malaysia and Spain.
Animal Identification and Marking Systems, Inc. (AIMS) develops and manufactures custom tattoo equipment and supplies specifically for the tattoo identification of research animals. The following are equipment and service features available exclusively from AIMS.
- AIMS develops and manufactures pigments and supplies for the tattoo identification of research animals. Extensive testing by AIMS has demonstrated that these pigments are non-carcinogenic and safe in research animals.
- AIMS is the only company that provides hands-on tattoo training and certification programs at customer facilities. Training sessions are held at the time of a system purchase and by arrangement as necessary there after. Unique tattooing techniques developed by AIMS are presented during the training session. This unique service also ensures that animal tattooing is properly performed and is done in a humane manner.
- AIMS stands alone as the leading manufacturer of state of the art tattoo equipment for laboratory animals. Our equipment and disposable supplies are unrivaled in the industry.
Why do researchers choose AIMS Lab Animal Tattoo Systems?
AIMS equipment, supplies, and services are priced above other tattoo systems that are available from general equipment distributors. However, over the years we have learned that the superior quality of our identification program (not just equipment but supplies and education) offers customers a significant cost savings as they employ the AIMS program in their facility. Thus, the higher initial set-up costs are quickly recovered as you use the AIMS animal tattoo identification program. The following are some examples of customer cost recovery.

What sets AIMS apart from other vendors?
- AIMS equipment is significantly more dependable, easy to operate and easy to clean when compared with non-AIMS systems. Thus, you will not waste personnel time keeping your equipment operating. You will always have equipment that works when it is needed.
- Tattooing with AIMS equipment and procedures is quick and easy. Our customers routinely tattoo 100-120 mice per hour with three digits. Efficient tattooing reduces personnel costs.
- No re-tattooing. Tattoo fading is a major issue with other tattoo units, because of the equipment design and inferior quality inks. Animals tattooed with AIMS equipment and supplies have tattoos that are permanent and easy to read for the life of the animal. Thus, you will have lower personnel costs when compared with non-AIMS systems since you will not have to re-tattoo animals. Tattoo fading (ID failure) is also unacceptable in labs operating within GLP. Quality tattoos also increase the quality of customer experiments.
- Understanding how to tattoo properly with the right equipment saves personnel time. There is no guessing with AIMS. We teach our customers “how to tattoo properly” with the best equipment. This saves personnel time and provides for the humane treatment of animals. Our training program also teaches customers “how to solve problems”, should they ever have a performance issue with their tattoos.
- If you need identification support, AIMS is always available and we can save you time and money by providing you access to over 25 years of experience in lab animal identification. If you have a question, concern, or need advice on lab animal tattoo identification, we are always available at no additional cost.
- AIMS animal tattoo techniques and processes are accepted world wide. You will not need to spend excessive time explaining your decision to use another system nor will you have to spend time explaining poor quality or missing tattoos. This reduces employee stress during QA audits and facility inspections.