The AIMS ATS-3 General Rodent Tattoo System
Mouse & rat tail tattooing made simple, quick, & easy
The AIMS ATS-3 General Rodent Tattoo System is the core lab animal tattoo identification system developed by AIMS. Over the last 45 years this system has been continuously modified and refined to provide researchers with the most advanced tattooing equipment, supplies, and techniques to support the modern lab animal facility and research scientist. Identification numbers, letters, and/or lines are easily tattooed on tails of mice and rats using the ATS-3 system. This system is useful in managing your breeding colony along with providing permanent positive identification in lab animal experiments.
The ATS-3 comes complete with everything needed (pigments, tattoo needles, restraints, etc.) to immediately start tattooing weaning or older mice and rats. The tattooing process will not damage the tail or lateral tail veins used for drawing blood. The Equipment Operating Instruction book provides information on equipment set-up and operation while the AIMS exclusive tattoo training manual “Lab Animal Tattoo Identification, Vol 2, General Rodent Tattoo System” provides Step-by-Step guidance on developing good and humane tail tattooing techniques.
Upgrade Options
The ATS-3 tattoo system can be upgraded to easily tattoo neonates and large lab animals. One tattoo system can tattoo any animal in your research facility.
- Neonate Upgrade Package (NEO-AP): This adds custom accessories and supplies developed specifically for neonate tattooing.
- Large Lab Animal Upgrade Package (LLA-AP): This adds custom accessories and supplies developed specifically for large animal tattooing.
Mouse & Rat Tail Tattooing produce easy to read permanent tail tattoos

Key Features of the ATS-3 tattoo system:
- Heavy duty custom equipment
- Human mouse & rat restraints
- Tattoo weaning to adult mice/rats
- Proprietary tattoo pigments and supplies (safe & non-toxic)
- Various pigment colors available
- Select tattoo needles for tail tattooing
- No anesthesia needed
- Tattoo markings are permanent
- Tattooing is quick and easy (reduces animal stress)
- No adverse effects on animal physiology or tail
- Low supply costs
- Detailed equipment and tattooing instructions
- UI, CE, globally approved Universal Power Supply
- 100-220V, 50-60Hz input (works in any country)
- RoHS Compliant