The Science of AIMS Animal Tattoo Identification
AIMS animal tattoo identification was developed by scientists for scientist. A collaboration between private and university researchers with the assistance of the US National Institutes of Health resulted in many scientific papers demonstrating the safety and efficacy of using tattoo identification in laboratory animals.
AIMS continues to conduct extensive research on tattooing techniques, equipment, tattoo pigment chemistry, safety, and performance to provide customers with the most advanced technology for animal tattoo identification.
Tattoo Identification

Foot Tattoo of Neonateal Mice. (1977) Avery, D.L., and Spyker, J.M. Laboratory Animal Science, 27:110-112.
Tattooing Newborn Mice and Rats for Identification. (1977) Schoenborne, B.M., Schrader, R.E., and Canolty, N.L. Laboratory Animal Science, 27:110
Identification of Nude Mice in Tumorigenicity Assays [letter]. (1997) VanMeir, E.G. International Journal of Cancer, 71:310.
Tattooing Newborn Albino Mice in Life-Span Experiments. (1978) Greenham, L.W. Laboratory Animal Science, 28:346
Improved Tattooing Equipment and Procedures for Laboratory Rat and Mouse Identification. (1982) Yacowitz, H., and White, E., American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, XX:P3
Comparison of Ear Tags and Tail Tattoos for Rat Identification. (1984) Guilloud, N.B., Johnson, A.N., Barbour, L.L., and Duncanson, A. Journal of the American Association of Laboratory Animal Science, 34:5
Identification of Newborn Rats by Tattooing. (1989) Iwaki, S., Matsuo, A., and Kast, A. Laboratory Animals, 23:361-364.
Tattoo Pigments for Permanent, Humane Identification of B6C3F1 Mice. (1990) Yacowitz, H., Greenwood Jr., R.P., Yacowitz, A., and Harbell, J.W. Journal of the American Association of Laboratory Animal Science, 40:P6.
Albino Rodent Tail Tattooing: Two years of Experimental Data and Observations. (1990) Guilloud, N.B., and Johnson, A.N., Lab Animal Magazine, 19:36-37.
A Device for Increasing Efficiency of Rat and Mouse Tattooing. (1992) Yacowitz, H., Piscitelli, B.A., and Yacowitz, A. Contemporary Topics in laboratory Animal Science, 31:P78.
Tail tattoos for Human, Safe, and Permanent Identification of Pigmented Mice. (1994) Yacowitz, H., Yacowitz, A., McConnell, R.F., and Rao, G.N. Contemporary Topics in Laboratory Animal Science, 33:P53
Tail Tattoo Identification System for Neonate and Pre-weanling Rodents. (1997) Yacowitz, H., Weyand, M.E., Yacowitz, A., and Weyand, E.H. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology, 36:1865
Methods for the Identification of Laboratory Mice and Rats. (1998) Weyand, M.E. Lab Animal, 27:47-50.
Methods of Identification in Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science 2nd Edition; Vol I Essential Principles and Practices, (2002) Edited by J. Hau and G.L. VanHoosier, Jr., CRC Press, pp363-365.

Use of AIMS Animal Tattoo Identification
Comparison of the Effects of Five Adjuvants on the Antibody Response to Influenza Virus Antigen in Guinea Pigs. (1995) Robuccio, J.A., Griffith, J.W., Chroscinski, E.A., Cross, P.J., Light, T.E., and Lang, C.M. Laboratory Animal Science, 45:420-426.
Tail Tattooing – an Alternative Method for Identifying Laboratory Mice? (2002) Tillmann, T., Dasenbrock, C., Fraunhofer Institute of Toxicology and Aerosol Research, Drug Research and Clinical Inhalation, Hannover, Germany
7H-Benzo[c]fluorene: A Potent Systemic Lung Carcinogen. (2003) Weyand, E.H., Goldstein, L.S., Parimoo, B., Reuhl, K., Wang, J.Q., and Harvey, R.G., Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, XX:
Evaluation of Coal Tar Tumorigenic Activity in p53+/- Mice. (2003) Singh, R., Rozett, K., Modi, N., Stakhiv, T., Hanes, M., and Weyand, E.H. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 23:417-427.
Rapid Genotyping of Animals Followed by Establishing Primary Cultures of Brain Neurons. (2015) Koh, J-Y., Iwabuchi, S., Huang, Z., Charles Harata, C., J. Vis. Exp. (95), e51879, doi:10.3791/51879.
Animal Identification System in a Complex Transgenic Mouse Breeding Colony (2019) Larson, R., Wright, V., Nelson, A., Ochoa, T., Ronellenfitch, K., Desierto, M., Halterman, C., Keyser, A., Esposito, L., American Association of Laboratory Animal Science, poster session
Notch Your Average Tattoo (2020) Wright, V., Keyser, A., Nelson, A., Larsen, R., BA, L
Laboratory Animal Science Professional, 46-48
Welfare and Scientific Considerations of Tattooing and Ear Tagging for Mouse Identification (2019) V Roughan, J., Sevenoaks, T., Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, Vol 58, No 2, 142-153.

Evaluations of Transponders and Ear Tags
Tumors in Rats at the Site of Identification Tags Made of Nickel-Copper Alloy. (1986) Waalkes, M.P., Rehm, S., Kasprzak, K.S., Society of Toxicology, 6:1077
Inflammatory, Proliferative, and Neoplastic Lesions at the Site of Metallic Identification Ear Tags in Wistar [Crl:(WI)BR] Rats. (1987) Waalkes, M.P., Rehm, S., Kasprzak, K.S., and Issaq, H. Cancer Research, 47:2445-2450.
Ear Tag Induced Staphylococcus Infection in Mice. (1989) Cover, C.E., Keenan, C.M., and Bettinger, Laboratory Animals, 23:229-233.
Tissue Reaction to an Implantable Identification Device in Mice. (1990) Rao, G.N., and Edmondson J. Toxicological Pathology, 18:412-416
Subcutaneous Tissue Reaction to Polyethylene Terephtalate-covered Electronic Identification Transponders in Pigs. (1992) Lambooij, E., deGroot, P.H.S., Molenbeek, R.F., and Gruys, E., Veterinary Quarterly, 14:145-7.
Subcutaneous Soft Tissue Tumours at the Site of Implanted Microchips in Mice. (1997) Tillmann, T., Kamino, K., Dasenbrock, C., Ernst, H., Kohler, M., Morawietz, G., Campo, E., Cardesa, A., Tomatis, L., and Mohr, U. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, 49:197-200.
Transponder-Induced Sarcoma in the Heterozygous p53+/- Mouse. (1999) Blanchard, K.T., Barthel, C., French, J.E., Holden, H.E., Moretz, R., Pack, F.D., Tennant, R.W., and Stoll, R.E. Toxicologic Pathology, 27:519-527.
Tumors in Long-Term Rat Studies Associated with Microchip Animal Identification Devices. (2001) Elcock, L.E., Stuart, B.P., Wahle, B.S., Hoss, H.E., Crabb, K., Millard, D.M., Mueller, R.E., Hastings, T.F., and Lake, S.G. Experimental Toxicological Pathology, 52:483-491.